Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Digital Hustling Tips From an Almost Dead City

I joined advertising because I thought advertising is cool. I had not an iota of an idea what the hell copywriting is. When I joined copywriting, Kolkata was already a dead city. People left Kolkata because they didn’t want to become zombies. I also left Kolkata to become a copywriter with the fear that zombies will kill me if I stay. I didn’t want to become a zombie. I went to NOIDA and joined an advertising agency there as a junior copywriter. But that was it. I returned to Kolkata empty-handed.

In Kolkata, I had thrown into the world of SEO, let say, by market forces. Unknowingly, I was into the digital marketing world. And to survive in the digital marketing world, you need to hustle. I started writing copies for Google Ads and Facebook Ads. But I didn’t consider them as copies. I thought they were content. I felt I was doing content writing. I also thought zombies are conspiring against me in becoming a copywriter. I started writing 2-3 blogs every day. F**k. I thought I was helping society. I didn’t know the content marketing business. I heard the term content marketing funnel quite later. I didn’t realize that very few people read blogs written by me. Nowadays, bots are also reading blogs. Maybe the headlines are not click-baiting.

I thought that work was shit, and great content is website content. I changed agencies only to write website content. I thought writing website content was ideal, and SEO was shit. What the hell. It is digital marketing, baby. By the way, when I use the word writing, I mean hustling. When I write, I do everything- from stealing, copying, ripping off to spinning.

Suddenly, one day, I become a social media copywriter/hustler. I started to handle 16-17 clients- the beginning of the madness. Social media is a place for hustlers. Social media copywriting pushed me a level higher. Strategizing, campaigning, and writing- all learned at this dead city. Out of the blues, I got the opportunity for writing scripts for 2D animation films.

I went to Mumbai to work and returned empty-handed, just like NOIDA. In 2019, I had my copywriting awakening. I realized I was producing mediocre kinds of stuff. Mediocre stuff doesn’t work in dead places. For the last five years, I did hustling. Now I’m in the hustling-to-writing phase.

Now, I want to shift. Shift to mainline advertising. But pundits are saying it is the era of digital advertising. But who cares about pundits. Am I on the right path?

(Image source: Pixabay)


  1. My personal 2 cents - If one needs to earn a living by weaving words and penning sentences - on has to learn the art of writing everything under the sun! Website, White Papers, Ad copies, screenplay, eBooks, Social Media, Print ad, Radio Jingles, and yes 'Letter from the CEO', internal Newsletter, Emailers, SMS's, wall mounted quotes (which ranges from office entry to the washroom), and whatever you can think off. The fact is, specialization is not a key (What I have experienced). Agencies are bulging to offer 360 degree solutions. So a writer (copy or content or both) needs to become an chameleon and adapt and perform.

    1. Yes. I want to write everything.

      Thank you for stopping by.


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