Sunday, October 18, 2020

10 Things I’ve Learned From James Altucher

James Altucher is a writer, entrepreneur, and investor. I’m a huge fan of his work ( Whenever I feel out of ideas or inspirations I go to his site to read his blogs or listen to his podcasts. I’ve learned a lot from his blogs or podcasts. Here are the 10 things that I’ve learned from James Altucher.

1. Idea Muscle 

Like body muscle, James says there is an idea muscle. And if you train that muscle properly, you can use that muscle in generating new ideas after a period. The rule is simple when you have a strong muscle; you show it to the world. Same with the idea muscle. When your idea muscle is strong, you are ready for the market.

2. Idea Is The Currency of the 21st Century

Idea is the currency of the 21st Century- it is the phrase that James coined. It means the more ideas you’ve, the more chances you have to stay relevant in the market. The rule is simple if you have the currency that means you have more chances to stay in the market.

3. Idea Machine

James says if you train your idea muscle properly and generate new ideas regularly, you can become an idea machine. When you become an idea machine, people will come to you for new ideas. James believes a person can become an idea machine with proper training.

4. is a great website. The website offers online courses that are suitable for this time. Few courses offer ways to earn money. Some courses are free. The site ( is primarily run by entrepreneur Anik Singal and others.

5. Affiliate Marketing Program of Anik Singal has a program by entrepreneur Anik Singal on how to earn money while sitting at your home. The name of the program is the affiliate marketing program by Anik Singal. The program showcases a completely new business model. The course is free and anyone can do it. Affiliate marketing is an authentic business model and has been taken up by many.

6. Failure Porn

He said there is too much failure porn on the internet. It means too many people are sharing their failure stories on the internet. However, when you look closely those stories are not actually failures; they are just hiccups. He is calling them failure porn. And what is happening, people aren’t getting motivated or inspired after reading those failure stories.

7. How to Distribute Ideas

According to James, when you start to generate ideas, you distribute them for free. If put a patent or some kind of clause on them, then people start to retreat. It is better to distribute ideas to the world expecting that no one would like them.

8. Write 10 Ideas Every Day

To become an idea machine, James said to write 10 ideas every day. It doesn’t matter how good or bad they are. But you have to write 10 ideas every day. With this exercise, you will be able to strengthen your idea muscle and become an idea machine finally.

9. One Can Have Multiple Dreams

James believes that a person can have multiple dreams. He started his career as a business writer then shifted to the entertainment industry. Now he wants to become a stand-up comedian. He also said that after a year, he may discontinue it and start something fresh.

10. Rock Bottom Isn’t The Bottom

James says when some say they’ve hit the rock bottom that means they don’t know what rock bottom is. The rock bottom isn’t the bottom; there is more after rock bottom. He meant that people need to redefine what rock bottom is.

There are blogs and podcasts available on James’s website from where you can get new ideas. The above 10 points attracted me and helped me to understand where I’m lacking.

                                                          (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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