Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Was God a Legislator?

I started the headline with the word ‘was’. I’ve used the word ‘was’ with the hope that God is dead. I know that many people will get furious just to read that God is dead. I also know that they will keep on performing rite to keep their god happy. They require the guidance set by their beloved god to perform their daily chores.

A large chunk of the world population follows rules set by God to lead a peaceful and happy life. Long back, god along with his men, created a rule book in the name of scripture which believers consider the most important book to lead a good life. You take any sacred book; you’ll find it filled with instructions of leading a good life. Hence, the big question- was god a legislator?

What made him draft so many highly-coded rules for ordinary humans? Were people not following any rules before the formation of any sacred books? Or god was just trying to create his clan which will follow his ideas. I wonder, what made him draft so many rules? Were people unruly?

There shouldn’t be any doubt that God was a master legislator. He understood people's psyche well. The legislation he drafted is still being in use. People still use them in their everyday life without thinking much. It is not the rules that haunt me; the idea to control so many people in the name of religion troubles me. Were not people aware of their good? Were they unruly?  I believe people were careful about their well being. Why they require a rule book which is detrimental to creativity and innovation? Weren’t they capable enough? Men created society; they do business; they’ve built ports; they use technology to innovate and the list is long. But when it’s come to rule, why they first head to god.

You might be saying, ‘those are not rules; they’re instructions. You may either follow them or don’t follow them at all. The choice is yours. Nothing is going to happen to you.’ If nothing is going to happen to anyone because of not following god’s rules (or instructions) then what is the purpose of having such a book. However, I’m also not in favor of those who believe a non-follower will get punished by god. If we’re doing fine then what’s the purpose of having a book that enchains us rather than liberating. God somehow understood that this particular animal can be ruled. He gauged our nature first then precisely drafted those rules.

Human history is battered with shame because of the atrocities in the name of religion. Men also have created their laws. In a 21st century world, every country has its laws. Most people follow such laws; few break them too. The funniest part is, along with the law of a land, we also have rules set by god. How come a society function properly with the existence of two different laws? Aren't these two different laws getting overlap with each other? Aren't these creating confusion which leads to friction? Do we need both of them? Only God knows!

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