Write, write, write.
2020 please go out of sight.
Read, read, read,
2020 was really insipid,
I know your 2021 will be bright.
Write, write, write.
2020 please go out of sight.
Read, read, read,
2020 was really insipid,
I know your 2021 will be bright.
As 2020 is coming to end, I like to tell you that the biggest achievement for me this year is creating this blog and running it. I always wanted to start a blog but for many reasons, I was unable to do so. I had a blog previously where I used to review films but I failed to run it. Hence, running ‘Odd Ones’ for 4 months is a success for me.
It gives me great pleasure to write on different topics every day. Initially, I thought here I will only share my ideas but now I almost talk on every topic. This probably shows my inability to generate new ideas every day. At some point in time, I thought of choosing a niche and write on it but then I dropped the idea. I’m still writing on different topics but I don’t know about the future.
To date, I have posted over 70 blogs and gained 3000+ views. And My goal would be to write 365 blogs next year.
I heard the phrase ‘sex sells’ in Netflix’s web series Mad Men. Like Don Draper, one of the characters of the show, I also believed that sex doesn’t sell. It doesn't attract people to buy things. But I’ve been proven wrong with this post (https://bit.ly/34VBM2m).
I wrote this post to
share a funny anecdote involving blue films. I used the picture because the
picture itself is blurred but still gives a sexy tone. I wrote the blog in
Bangla intentionally as the story was narrated to me in Bangla. I didn’t expect
many views from the post.
But I have been proven
wrong, as it has gathered the most views to date. I have posted 70 blogs and it
has the most number of views.
I analyzed the content
and found that there are different types of content available in my blog. But
not all of them gather such attraction. The difference between this particular
post and the second popular post is huge. Then what is the reason for such an
I’m certain that the
post gathered attention because of the image. It somehow demeans my ability as
a writer but I think the image triumphs what is in the blog.
Hence, I can easily say that sex attracts!
I’ve decided to write one short story each week for 52 straight weeks. I know this is not easy, but I think it is achievable. I’ve been writing short stories for one year now but not regularly. However, this piece is not what I want to achieve. I like to tell you about an interesting anecdote that happened yesterday.
I was in the mode of
cracking what would be the right end of the story. Suddenly my mother called me
to have dinner. I gave her a reply and then tried to get back into the story
mode again. But I realized that I lost track. I was unable to remember what I
was thinking. Then I started to think of a new ending. I went downstairs to
have dinner while thinking of what would be the right ending. My mother
realized that I was thinking of something else and not concentrating on my
food. She told ‘it seems like you’re not here’.
And when I started writing it, I realized how different the two worlds are- the world of thinking and the world of writing. The moment I started typing the words on a word processor, many new ideas popped up. I realized that to write and finish a story, you have to live with the stories. You start with something on your mind, and you end up somewhere else. You have to build the character, develop the story, and write the dialogues. So many little things but yet so fascinating!
I think the time has come to accept me that I’ve to choose a niche for my blog. What do you say, guys? But I’m still not sure. I’m getting running out of ideas. Either I’m having plenty of rubbish ideas or no ideas at all. However, I don’t only want to focus on topics like digital marketing or travel. That will be a complete recreation of content. Those types of blogs are very easy to write. You create content from a blog or article that already exists on the internet. You won’t be able to say anything original.
It is also not easy to create something original every day. I don’t want to create content out of old content.
So tell me guys how to run this space successfully. I mean creating original content every day. Consider this blog as an appeal to you guys to help me out of this muddle.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
I took a break from blogging for around 15 days. The hiatus was not intentional. I was just preoccupied with some other works. However, when I returned to blogging six days ago, I realized that I was hungry to pen my ideas. The break allowed me to think.
Before I restarted to
write, my thoughts were with relating to the future of my blog. I began to
think about whether I should choose a niche for my blog. I was intrigued by the
idea of whether I should write only on the topic.
The break also helped
me to understand that I should approach this blog more seriously. I should have
a bank of blogs ready. I need to have a buffer stock of blogs for at least 30
days ready.
Another thought that
popped up in my mind is that I also need to have a daily routine concerning
As we are entering the Christmas and New Years' break, an unofficial break globally, I thought sharing this piece with you may help a few.
The way political leaders of West Bengal are changing their camps is not only funny but also disturbing. It shows that there is no such thing called political ideology left in today’s Bengal. The fall of the Soviet Union ended socialism and positioned free-market capitalism as the automatic winner. After 30 years of the Soviet Union’s dissolution, we are at a crossroads.
There is a leader in
Bengal who recently joined BJP. Her previous party was TMC. Before that, she
was a CPI (M) member. She started her political career as a communist when she
was with CPI (M). Later, she changed her camp and joined TMC- claims to be a
liberal party and believes in a welfare economy. So she turned a liberal from a
communist. And now she has joined BJP, a right-wing party that believes in
free-market capitalism. So she has made a complete 180⁰ shift- from communism
to capitalism.
Is this a global
phenomenon? I mean the changing of political camps. Did she carefully study
world politics and changed her politics? It may seem that she has changed her
political camps keeping in mind what is happening globally. Like her, few
others have joined Bengal BJP after their stint with the communists or liberal
parties. But I doubt if they studied global politics and have joined BJP. The
reason is something else.
I think it’s not
because they realized the advantages of free-market capitalism or found the
flaws in Marxist ideology. They joined BJP for power. They are aware that in a country like India where politics seeps through every aspect of society, it is
better to stay close to the incumbent party.
So like her, many were
communists when CPI (M) was in power in Bengal. Then they became liberal with
TMC in power. And now it seems they are preparing to become free-market
capitalists in the future.
Now, this piece is not
a sarcastic jibe at their political understanding or ideology. If this is the
global trend, then the people of Bengal should follow it without a doubt. We
can’t ignore that globally there is an emergence of right-wing politics. Be it
Britain or Turkey or Brazil. People are leaning towards right-wing or
conservative politics.
But my concern is that
will these people be able to deliver what free-market capitalism offers. These
are the people who believe in ‘hobe na’ culture. These don’t have an ideology
which is quite alright but they are also bad executors. They can execute 'hobe na' dharna but can't
execute a project smoothly. They also have to take the responsibility of
turning West Bengal financially weak and socially backward. It is quite clear
to us that these politicians will not bring any good to us because they intend
to stay close to power. If tomorrow a new party, stronger and bolder than BJP,
emerges then they will join that new party.
So are they good for us?
Before the partition of Bengal, the jute industry in Bengal was at its peaks. Jute used to cultivate in the eastern part of Bengal and processed in the western part of Bengal. However, the partition of Bengal changed things drastically. West Bengal, where most jute mills are, has failed to import jute from East Pakistan due to bilateral tensions. Things didn’t change even after the creation of Bangladesh. I don’t know the reasons why it got stopped but the moot point is that jute stopped coming from Bangladesh to West Bengal. Adding more insult to the injury, militant unionism in West Bengal severely damaged the jute industry. The government also didn’t try to revive the industry. The invention of plastic and plastic products is another reason behind the downfall of the jute industry.
I think it is the right time to revive the industry. The threat of climate change is looming large. If we care about our planet then we should shift to jute from plastic. Jute is bio-degradable, recyclable, and 100% nature friendly. A hectare of jute plants consumes about 15 tonnes of carbon dioxide and releases 11 tonnes of oxygen.
From West Bengal's perspective, it has all the ready-facilities to manufacture jute products. Howrah has numerous jute mills, mostly inoperative, which can easily be reopened and manufacture jute products. Trade unionism has taken a back seat since the opening of India’s economy. It means jute mill owners don’t have to face problems as much they used to face previously. The cost of labor in West Bengal is less than the rest of India. It means jute owners can invest in automation also. Regardless of your political ideology, you can’t ignore that automation in the manufacturing sector. And if West Bengal fails to acknowledge it then it will miss the bus.
The foundation of the Bengal economy is agriculture. Now the government needs to pay focus on the revival of jute cultivation. They should turn the one-crop-land into the land where jute can be cultivated. This will not hamper the cultivation of seasonal agricultural products. In short, West Bengal doesn't have to depend on Bangladesh.
Agartala is India’s third international internet gateway after Mumbai & Chennai. You must be wondering what on earth I have been writing a piece on Agartala. According to the 2011 census, 2,414,774 Bengali-speaking people live in Tripura which is 65.73% of the entire population. The commonality of language and ethnicity is the connecting factor between two states West Bengal & Tripura.
But Agartala is so far
away from Kolkata. The distance between Kolkata to Agartala is 1559 km. So if
you want to reach Agartala from Kolkata via road or train, you have to travel
almost the entire north-east. If you avail NH 27 to reach Agartala from
Kolkata, it would take 41 hours.
Usually, people of
both West Bengal and Tripura take air service to commute. However, I think
there should be a train route from Kolkata to Agartala other than the existing
ones. I mean that there should be a direct train route from Kolkata to Agartala
via Dhaka.
The distance from Kolkata to Dhaka is 393 Kms and Dhaka to Agartala distance is 90 km. The total distance, Kolkata to Agartala, is around 500 km, 1/3rd of the current one (the black line on the map).
The two governments, India and Bangladesh, need to lay a 90 km rail line from Dhaka to Agartala. It will not only generate revenue for the railways but people of the northeast will not feel disengaged. At times, I feel northeast is so far away from Kolkata. People of West Bengal primarily favor north or west India.
The reason I’m writing this mail is to inform all the café owners that I have an idea that might help your business. I believe this will help you to increase your sales and also help in cutting-down the advertising & marketing costs.
The Idea
give discounts to those who will write a positive review about your
café/restaurant on Google. The discount rate can be 10% or 15% or 20%. You have
the authority to decide the rate. You will also have to decide the
quality of a review.
you read the review and then give the discounts. For instance, if someone just
writes ‘it’s a good café’ then I suggest not giving any discount.
How to Do It
Put a
board outside your café/restaurant and tell about the offer. You can also use
Facebook to promote your offer. This will cost you a negligible amount of
Why Online
Reviews Are Important
We use social proof to help determine correct actions by
assuming that other people in the same situation know more than we do. When it
comes to online reviews, we assume that others who have bought and tried a
product or service are providing honest feedback on how it worked for them, and
we then tend to follow their lead to buy or not to buy. Social proof helps you
make a purchase decision.
Online reviews are increasingly important to purchasing
· Over
88 percent of online shoppers incorporate reviews into their purchase decision;
· 68
percent of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a local business
· 40
percent of consumers form an opinion by reading just one to three reviews,
while 73 percent of consumers form an opinion by reading up to six reviews;
· 60
percent of consumers have searched a business at least six times per year;
· 88
percent of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations;
· 68
percent of consumers trust reviews more when they see both good and bad scores
· 95
percent of unhappy customers will return to a business if the business resolves
the issue quickly and efficiently;
· Reviews
produce an average of 18 percent uplift in sales.
(Source: Vendasta)
Advantages of Google Reviews
For purchasing decisions across industries and markets,
Google reviews are formidable in leveling the playing field for your business
by providing three powerful advantages: (1) trust and transparency, (2) online
awareness and local SEO, and (3) insights and feedback.
Infusion Media)
Google Review as Your Marketing Strategy
It is
better to include Google reviews in your marketing strategy. Hence, I would
request you to give a try to what I wrote in as The Idea above.
There is a problem with the Indian bank cards. In India, we have two cards. One is a debit card and another is a credit card. My proposal is very simple – merge debit and credit card. Two cards don’t make any sense. There should be only one card. One card should act as a credit and debit card. So when a person wants to buy a good or service on credit then he can use the same card at the time of buying on cash (actually card).
I think it is doable.The day before yesterday, India witnessed another general strike. A general strike is not new to me. I grew up in a communist Bengal. I’ve seen many strikes during my teenage years. After coming to power, TMC has somehow able to curb down the age-old, ineffective politics of strike.
Here, I will share my experience of facing a strike when I was a kid.
I was around 9-10 years old at that time and I was at a primary school. The communist was in power and their favorite thing was to call a strike. The strike meant a complete closure of everything. Zero availability of public transport, closure of markets, etc. A complete closure. If anyone tried to bring out his vehicle or opened his shop, communist cadres used to force them physically to reverse. Their intention was to show that everything was closed, meaning the strike was successful. The particular strike I’m talking about here was called abruptly, giving no time to people to reschedule their plans.
My school was 15 minutes walking distance from my home and most students of the school were from the nearby locations. It means that the students and their families were not dependent on public transport. The School administration was aware of the fact. Still, the last moment announcement from the Communist party put the school admin in real trouble as on the strike day they had an exam prescheduled. Though the sudden call for strike put the school admin really in the problem, they decided to go with their schedule. It was the last day of school before the Puja vacations. So the school admin was not in a position to change the exam date. It would also look bizarre to conduct just an exam after the Puja vacation. So they kept the school open, knowing that students would come from nearby locations. It meant I had to go to the school to sit for the exam.
However, on the same day, I had to attend my cousin's sister’s birthday party at my uncle’s place which is around half an hour drive from my school. My aunt was supposed to pick me from school and take me to the birthday party direct. It was the plan. However, the strike changed everything. Knowing that there will be no public transport, my aunt personally hired a rickshaw puller for a good amount of money. The rickshaw puller agreed to earn some extra amount of money on a strike day. The rickshaw puller told my aunt that he knew some roads where will be no picketing of communist cadres to stop vehicles.
At the time of reaching school, they, my aunt, and the rickshaw puller found no barricading of the communist cadres. But at the time of returning, I and my aunt saw the real face of the communist cadres. Communist cadres had completely captured the streets by that time. They stopped our rickshaw and asked where we were heading to. After knowing that we were heading towards a birthday party, they got angry. However, they didn’t show their anger on us, but on the poor rickshaw puller. They asked him why he had brought out his rickshaw. The rickshaw puller was flabbergasted. He had no idea what to do. A few minutes later, few cadres started beating him. They slapped him, kicked him, and punched him on his face. He asked for mercy. But commies are commies. When their ‘quota’ of violence was completed, we were given permission to leave the place. My aunt told me because I was an underage boy and accompanied by a woman, they didn’t barge onto us.
And the rickshaw puller did take us to my uncle’s place but only with a bruised face and scars in his mind.
একটি মহিলা ফোনে কথা বলছে।
‘হ্যালো। হ্যাঁ
আমি শুনেছি। অভিজিৎ ফোন করেছিল। আমি তো দেখার জন্য…। হ্যাঁ, এই তো পাশেই দাড়িয়ে আছে।
শুনছে আমার কথা’।
একটি ৪-৫ বছরের
বাচ্চা ওর মাসির পাশে দাড়িয়ে রয়েছে। বাচ্চাটি চুপ। মাসির দিকে তাকিয়ে রয়েছে। কানে ফোন
দাওয়া অবস্থায় মাসি বাচ্চাটিকে জিজ্ঞেস করে
‘কিরে তোর বোন
হয়েছে। তুই খুশি তো’।
বাচ্চাটি চুপ।
মাসি ফোনে কথা
বলতে থাকে।
‘কিছু বলছে না।
চুপ করে আছে। হ্যাঁ ঠিক আছে বিকেলে দেখাতে নিয়ে যাব। এখন রাখছি’।
ফোন কেটে দাওয়ার
পর মাসি ছেলেটিকে জিজ্ঞেস করে
‘কিরে তোর বোন
হয়েছে তুই খুশি না? ছোট বনুটাকে দেখতে যাবি না’।
‘আমার কিছু ভাল
লাগছে না। আমায় ফোনটা দাও’।
Cut to
কাঁচের দরজা ঠেলে
বাচ্চাটি এবং মাসি একটি কেবিনে ঢোকে। কেবিনটি একটি হসপিটালের কেবিন। কেবিনের ভিতর একটি
বেড। বেডের ওপর একটি মহিলা শুয়ে একটি সদ্যোজাতর সাথে। বিছানার পাশে একজন পুরুষ দাড়িয়ে।
বিছানায় শুয়ে থাকা মহিলাটি ছেলে বাচ্চাটির মা এবং সঙ্গের সদ্যজাতটি তার মেয়ে, অর্থাৎ
ছেলে বাচ্চাটির বোন। পুরুষটি হল বাবা।
বাবাকে দেখে বাচ্চাটি
এগিয়ে গেল। গিয়ে বাবাকে জড়িয়ে ধরল। বাবাও ওকে কলে তুলে নিল।
‘কিরে বোনকে দেখবিনা’?
মা কোলে থাকা
বাচ্চাটিকে তুলে ধরে বাবার দিকে। বাবা কোলে থাকা ছেলেটিকে নিয়ে একটু ঝুঁকে পড়ে। বোনের
মুখ দেখানোর জন্য। ছেলে বাচ্চাটি সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মুখ ঘুরিয়ে নেয়। এই দেখে সবাই হেসে ওঠে।
‘কিরে বোনকে দেখবি
‘বোনকে সবাই ভালোবাসে।
তোকে আর কেউ ভালবাসবে না’।
‘না, আমায় ভালবাসবে’।
সবাই একসাথে হেসে
Cut to
মা সদ্যোজাত বাচ্চাটিকে
নিয়ে ঘরে ঢুকছে, পিছনে বাবা। ছেলে বাচ্চাটি ঘরের মধ্যেই দাড়িয়ে লক্ষ্য করছে।
‘কিরে বোনকে ওয়েলকাম
করবি না’।
‘আমার কিছু ভাল
লাগছে না’।
এই বলে সে অন্য
ঘরে চলে যায়।
মা-বাবা দুজনেই
হেসে ওঠে।
Cut to
খাওয়ার টেবিল।
মায়ের কোলে ছোট বাচ্চা। মা একটি চেয়ারে বসে রয়েছে। বাবা এবং ছেলে বাচ্চাটি খাচ্ছে।
‘বোনকে একটু দে
তোর থেকে’।
‘না। কেন দেবো। এটা আমার’।
‘ঠিক আছে দিতে
হবে না । আমি ওকে খাওচ্ছি’।
এই বলে টেবিলের
ওপর রাখা একটি প্লেট থেকে একটু খাবার তুলে নেয়।
ছেলেটি চেয়ার
থেকে নেমে মায়ের পাশে গিয়ে বলে
‘আমায়ও খাইয়ে
মা-বাবা দুজনেই
হেসে ওঠে।
Cut to
ঘরের ভিতর ছেলে
বাচ্চাটি বসে রয়েছে। ঘরটি বাচ্চাটির। ঘরের দরজা খুলে মা ঢোকে। বাবার কোলে মেয়েটি। বাবাও
তোর বোনও এখন
থেকে এই ঘরে থাকবে। তোর সাথে’।
‘না এটা আমার ঘর। ও কেন থাকবে?’
বাবা-মা দুজনেই
হেসে ওঠে।
‘তোর বোন তোকে
কত ভালোবাসে জানিস। তোকে দেখলেই হাসে’।
এই বলে বাবা ছোট
বোনকে ওর কাছে নিয়ে যায়। বাবার কোলে থাকা বাচ্চাটি হাসতে থাকে। বাবা বাচ্চাটিকে ছেলেটির
কোলে তুলে দেয়। বোনটি আরও হাসতে থাকে। ওরা তিনজনেই ঝুঁকে ছোট বাচ্চাটিকে দেখতে থাকে।
বাচ্চাটিকে আদর করতে থাকে। ওর সাথে খেলতে থাকে।
ফেড ইন
একটা অ্যালার্ম ঘড়ি
ঘড়িটা বাজতে শুরু করেছে। একটা মহিলার হাত এসে অ্যালার্মটা বন্ধ করে দিলো।
মা (O.S. )
কিরে ওঠ ওরা সব এসে যাবে। দোকানে যাবিনা? খাবার গুলো আনতে হবে তো?
একটি বিছানা, তাতে একটি ১০-১২ বছর বয়সী একটি ছেলে শুয়ে আছে। আড়মোড়া ভাঙছে, শুয়ে শুয়ে। বালিশটা টেনে মুখের ওপর দিয়ে দিল। মা মুখ থেকে বালিশটা সরিয়ে দিলো।
মা (O.S.)
এবার ওঠ। বেলা হয়ে যাচ্ছে।
হ্যাঁ অ্যা…উঠছি
দিদি উঠে গেছে। এবার দোকান থেকে জিনিস গুলো আনতে হবে। দিদি রেডি। তুইও রেডি হ।
কাট টু
মিষ্টির দোকানে দাড়িয়ে রয়েছে দিদি-ভাই। মিষ্টি নিচ্ছে। মিষ্টি নিয়ে
ভুজিয়া-নিমকির দোকানে যায়। সেখানেও কিছু খাবার-দাবার নেয়।
আরও কিছু নিলে ভাল হত না?
মা যতটা বলেছে ততটাই নিয়েছি।
আমরা পাবো এর থেকে?
আমি জানিনা। মা জানে। কেন লোভ লাগছে?
কাট টু
রান্নাঘরের ভিতর। মা প্লেটে খাবার সাজাচ্ছে এবং ছেলেটি পাশে দাড়িয়ে
আমাদের জন্য কিছু রাখবে না।
বাড়িতে লোক এসেছে কোথায় তুই কথা বলবি ওদের সাথে তা না করে এখানে
দাড়িয়ে রয়েছিস। যা গিয়ে কথা বল।
কাট টু
সোফায় মুখোমুখি বসে বাড়ির লোকজন এবং অথিতিরা। কথা বলছে।
অথিতি ১
আপনি যা খাবার এনেছেন তা একজনের পক্ষে শেষ করা বেশ কঠিন।
কোথায় বেশি খাওয়ার? অল্প তো। ওইটুকু আপনি পারবেন।
অথিতি ২
আমিও পারছিনা। (ছেলেটির দিকে তাকিয়ে) এই তুমি এখান থেকে কিছু তোলো
ছেলেটি মায়ের দিকে তাকায়।
ওদের জন্য আছে তো।
কই নেই তো সব
তো দিয়ে দিয়েছ।
অথিতিরা হেসে
ওঠে। মা মেয়ের মুখের দিকে তাকায়। ছেলেটি অথিতি ২ এর দিকে এগিয়ে যায় এবং তার প্লেট থেকে
একটি মিষ্টি তুলে নেয়।
কাট টু
টেবিলের ওপর প্লেটে
খাবার রাখা।
অথিতিরা দরজার
সামনে। মায়ের সাথে কথা বলছে। ছেলেটির নজর প্লেটের দিকে।
দরজা বন্ধ যেই
হয়েছে তখনই ছেলেটি এবং মেয়েটি দুজনেই ঝাপিয়ে পড়ে ফেলে রেখে যাওয়া খাওয়ায়ের ওপর।
ফেড ইন
একটা টেবিল, চেয়ারে বসে পিকু আর রিকু খাবার খাচ্ছে। পিকু আর রিকু ভাই-বোন। পিকু ৮ বছর, রিকুর ৭ বছর বয়স। পাশে পিকু-রিকুর
মা দাড়িয়ে রয়েছে। পিকু-রিকুর মায়ের বয়স ৩৫-৩৬।
পিকি-রিকুর মা
তাড়াতাড়ি খেয়ে
নে। কাকু এখুনি চলে আসবে।
কখন আসবে কাকু,
এই তো তোদের খাওয়া
হলেই চলে আসবে।
কাকু কোথায় গেছে?
সুইজারল্যান্ড না মা?
হ্যাঁ। সেজন্যই
তো বলছি তাড়াতাড়ি খা।
আমাদের জন্য চকোলেট
নিয়ে আসবে?
এরই মধ্যে একজন
লোক ঘরে ঢোকে। পিকু-রিকুর কাকু। বয়স
৪০-৪২। কাকু ট্রলিটা যেই পাশে রেখেছে, পিকু এবং রিকু চেয়ার থেকে নেমে আসে দুজনেই। একছুটে
কাকুর কাছে চলে যায়। কাকুকে জড়িয়ে ধরে। কাকু জামার পকেট থেকে দুটো বড় বড় সাইজের চকোলেট
বার বের করে দুজনকে দেয়।
দুজনেই খুশি হয়ে নাচতে থাকে।
ফেড আউট
ব্ল্যাক স্ক্রীন তাতে লেখা – কিছুদিন বাদে
রিকু পিকু মায়ের সাথে কথা
আবার গেছে বাইরে? হ্যাঁ মা?
হ্যাঁ। বললাম তো।
আবার চকোলেট আনবে?
আমি জানিনা।
হ্যাঁ আনবে।
কাট টু
বিছানার ওপর একটা ব্যাগ রাখা। ব্যাগটা খোলা। একটার পর একটা প্লাস্টিকে
মোড়া জিনিস বেরোচ্ছে ভেতর থেকে।
এটা মায়ের জন্য।
এটা বাবার জন্য।
এটা দাদার জন্য।
এর মধ্যেই পিকু-রিকু দুজনে ছুটে আসে।
আমাদের জন্য কি এনেছ?
পিকু-রিকুর কাকু
তোদের জন্য কিছু আনতে পারিনি রে। একদম সময় ছিলোনা। পরের বার নিশ্চয়ই
নিয়ে আসব।
পিকু রিকু দুজনেই কিছু বলে না। সেখান থেকে চলে যায়। সবাই ভাবে পিকু
রিকু ভুলে গেছে।
ফেড আউট
ফেড ইন
পিকু রিকুর কাকু বাইক চালিয়ে রাস্তা দিয়ে যাচ্ছে। হঠাৎই বাইক থামিয়ে
দেয়। জামার পকেটে কিছু একটা অনুভূতি লক্ষ্য করেন। জামার পকেটে হাত ঢোকায়। কিছুক্ষনের মধ্যেই পকেট থেকে কেন্নো বেরিয়ে আসতে লাগে। ভয় পেয়ে বাইক চালানো বন্ধ করে দেয়। রাস্তায় বসে পড়ে। সব কটা কেন্নো ফেলে দেয়ার পর পকেটের ভিতর একটা কাগজ পায়। তাতে লেখা ' আমাদের চকোলেট না এনে দিলে না বলে, কেন্নো
গুলো দিলাম’।
ফেড আউট
(Source: Pixabay)
I'm blogging after a year. The last two years were tough. What I started in 2020 September failed to continue in 2021. But this year, I...