Friday, September 10, 2021

My Favourite Podcasts

I  found a podcast- Rumble w/ Michael Moore. It is a stupendously good podcast in which Michael Moore, the filmmaker, talks about many pertinent issues. He is a critic of American imperialism and voiced his opinion about America's longest war- Afghanistan War. He handpicks his guests.  He invited Chris Hedges, a journalist, who lost his job because he criticized America's policy to invade Afghanistan. Michael is not afraid of voicing his politics. 

Another podcast that I enjoy listening to is Mihir Bose's podcast. Mihir Bose talks about many issues. Politics, sports, life, racism, and many more. He invites two other journalists in his podcast to talk about many important issues. He also discussed the Afghan situation. One of the points that he raised in that episode is that how UK's intelligentsia failed to comprehend the situation. 

There are many other podcasts I listen to but I don't miss this two for sure. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Spy - Netflix Originals

Yesterday, after a long time, I binge-watched Netflix's Original series - The Spy. Based on the life story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen, this series is a precursor to what is happening in the Arab world.  I like to clear it first that this is not a review of The Spy. I'm rather amused with the life that Mr. Cohen lived. I still can't fathom how seamlessly he fooled Syria's top-level officials and military personnel.

 There should not be a doubt about his grasp of linguistic. He spoke so many languages with such ease is still enviable. He was a master actor. He knew how rich live their lives. He maintained that suave for years. I later found out that his work helped Israel to win the six-day war in 1967. 

Because of his PR skills, the PM of Syria asked him to become the Defense Minister of Syria. Just imagine how good he was. He loved his country no matter what although he didn't want to return for Syria. 

Of course, the series dramatized few events, but people will remember him as one of the greatest spies in history. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Limerick on West Bengal Economy

First Blue, then red, and now the sky

No matter what, money says bye-bye

Education is for children to train

We are proud of our brain drain

Bengalis are predominantly money shy

Thursday, September 2, 2021

I'm Joining The Stock Market

I'm planning to join the stock market. There should not be any doubt that I failed as a copywriter. I'm also not getting offers to work as a Copywriter. I should have become a creative director by now. But I'm not. However, the flow of money is necessary. So I'm planning to join the stock market. I'm gearing up to pursue a course. I'm also learning blockchain technology. I will continue this blog. But my association with advertising seems over. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Why did the Berlin Wall fall?

The fall of the Berlin Wall was one of the most important events of the last century. It changed the course of history. There are multiple arguments and counter-arguments behind the reasons for the fall of the wall. But I think it was purely psychological. I can say this because I grew up in a Communist Bengal.

People in Bengal were more fascinated with the happenings of non-communist states. East Germans were in search of a promised land. And for them, West Germany was the land of hope. People in East Germany wanted to taste the life of a free, liberated world. Previously, many East Germans tried to escape the Iron Curtain. A few were successful, but most of them failed. 

When they broke down the wall, the east germans didn't know what was waiting for them. They were aware of it, but still, they went for the demolition. More than fed up with their communist government,  they were interested in what was happening in the western part of Germany.  

Did they want freedom? But freedom doesn't buy your dinner. You have to spend 10 hours in a factory or an office to earn your living. Weren't they aware of it? Yes, they were, but still, they went to break down the wall. Of course, German nationalism played an important role in uniting the two nations. But the primary reason- they were in search of a promised land. Aren't we all are in search of a promised land. 

For this, people migrate from one place to another. People seek something new. They want to start fresh. 

                                                              (Photo Source: Time)